Thursday, 26 March 2009


OMG exams next week :[

- Art, 5 hours

- RE, 1 hour
- History, 1.30 hours

- English, 1.45 hours
- Geography, 2 hours

- History, 2 hours
- ICT, 1 hour

- Food Tech, 1.30 hours

They are the shit!

Haven't revised much, so far only for History and Food Tech. There is so much to remember!

But i least i have amazing E4. My name is Earl, Big bang theory and Skins <3 Without them life would be pointless.

At the momment i am making a few pages about my friends, so you know a little about the people behind the names.

Easter sooon!


Anonymous said...

Not to sound really anal but if your exam is is an hour and a half,then it would be 1.5 hours, not 1.3 because 0.3 of an hour would be something like 20 mins.

I remember exams, I hated them. Revising so many subjects in so little time. They aren't really important if you go to college afterwards, all you really need is Maths, Science and English.

I worked my ass off for my gcses, even did two extra GCSEs and realised I did it for jack. :/ Bummmer really. Good luck though, my art exam was my fave one. x

Larissa J said...

Good luck with your exams. I hated my GCSE exams but I managed to get good results and pass everything. Like Shola said, all you really need to make sure you do well in is Maths, Science and English.
