Sunday, 15 February 2009


Watching: Diagnosis Murder

After Valentines Day i thought this would be a very fitting blog. Love. Defintion: a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person. But what if this person happens to be gay and you are straight? This has never happened to me. Although i am open to dating bi guys. But a few of my friends, lets call them e and g, do.
e has liked this one guy for about 3 years but is way too shy to even talk to him. He happens to be extremly popular with everyone. And he also happens to be a complete gossip queen, which is why most people tend to think he is gay.
My second friend g has fancied one of her best guy friends for about 5 years on and off. But he is really fashion concious, spends an age on his hair, appreciates art, gossips and is a great listener. He also comes out with very catty comments.
So this leads me to ask the questions. Can people fall in love with people of another sexuality? Or just one person? Or never fall in love at all? Love is a strange thing and apparently makes the world go round.

But whatever. I'm happy to sticking to being obsessed with James May <3

So that begs me to ask the questions:

1) Have you ever been in love?
2) How long was your longest relationship?
3) Have you ever fancied someone who is gay/bi?


Larissa J said...

1) Yes. ^_^

2) I've been with my boyfriend for over 2 years now.

3) No I haven't but I love how gay guys take care of their appearances!


Anonymous said...

I forgot to answer, so i will.

1) No
2) I am a lone wolf
3) Gay: No, Bi: Yes

Anonymous said...

I think it is possible to like someone who is gay/bi, as I know someone who was liked by another girl when she in fact wasn't a lesbian.

1) Have you ever been in love? I wish...
2) How long was your longest relationship? With my family...since I was born, haha
3) Have you ever fancied someone who is gay/bi? I actually have no idea.

Anonymous said...

Heyy. I'd love to be affies. ^_^
I'll link you ASAP. <3

1) Have you ever been in love?
Yes. [x
2) How long was your longest relationship?
I've never dated before. -_-
3) Have you ever fancied in someone who is gay/bi?
I'm not sure..:\

Anonymous said...

haha, thanks :) I know, I'm so excited for the new episode next weeek! XD

hahaha, yeah, don't. It is not very pleasant. There's absolutely no point to the book. xb

Ha, I'd feel kind of stupid if I liked a guy and then found out he was gay. x] Also, I'd love to be affiliates! I'll add your link up noww:)

Gabriella said...

Thanks for that! Making your whole blog about me and my love life! *sigh* Lol!

2)Err on and off 4 what 2 years- but does being like 6 actually count?!
3) According to you yes!!