Thursday, 19 February 2009

Ooooh The Excitement!!

Watching: The Simpsons

-EDIT- Please vote at the poll on the sidebar, danke!

Earlier today i had the most wonderful task of dragging myself down to the docters surgery. I waited a while, sat next to some smokers who don't like covering up their smell and finally went in. I was having an asthma check up (I've had asthma since i was four) and now have to take a nose inhaler as well as three mouth inhalers. My asthma has improved but i still have to try new things.

Then i went to the dentist (the day just keeps getting better) and i have to have two milk teeth taken out because my roots are too strong. But at least i have a week to prepare myself for the pain. Plus my dentist has the most gorgeous eyes i have ever seen, you could swim in them!

Then i went to starbucks! The highlight of my day. Oh yeah, and i also got the latest issue of Teen Vogue <3

Here are some really exciting questions!:

1) Do you have asthma? And if so since when?
2) Is your dentist dreamy?
3) Do you like Starbucks?
4) What do think about Teen Vouge?


Larissa J said...

Yuck, smokers. I hate the smell of smoke on people's clothes and its even worse when you have to sit next to them!

At least your dentist is nice looking, my dentist is scary. O_O

1) Nope, but I'm short sighted and have to wear glasses even though I choose not too. :p

2) Hell no, she scares me. >_<

3) Yeah, I love the hot chocolate drinks there. Yum!

4) It's a pretty good magazine, I've bought it a few times myself. :D


Gabriella said...

Lol these qs are a laf = p
1) Nope- but plenty more things wrong with me 2 compensate!
2)No!- Robby Inghams dad = s though its changed now so sum girl- definitley not!
3)Theyre meant to lie about their fair trade so not reli- but if it was the only place for diet coke then i would probably succum to my weakness!
4) Teen Vogue is reli bad! soz but Grazia EVERY time- I can only hope ive converted u! <3