Monday 16 February 2009

Rant About Staff Application

Watching: The One Show

I'm sorry but a few days ago i was scanning sites and came across staff aps, read the rules and flipped. Why do most people insist on them only working on their site, none others and not their own? Surely they want to showcase their own talent on their OWN website!?
Plus, when these people do become employed as staff their boss treats them like crap, it's like HELLO! These people are working for free, treat them with respect, they are willing to do a chore free for you!
It's important to note i am only targeting people with stupid rules like these, i don't mean to offend any good bosses.

I would now like to share with you my experience as staff.
I came across a site and i thought, "Wow, i like!" So i applied as staff to copy magazine covers to use in layouts and use around the site, maybe edit them, maybe not.
So i emailed, ooh, lets call him z. He was all "Sure, i'd love to have you on the team!" So i was staff.
One day he accused me of not scanning fast enough, and just as i was about to do some more scans, he emailed me saying i was a waste of space and i was fired. I was furious at this point and emailed him back saying i quit and tough luck because i was just about to do some scans.
He them emailed me back saying he never wanted a scanner, he already had one.

This is how you should NOT treat someone who is willing to spend some of their time working for FREE.

Thanks for reading that, i have now got a TON off my chest!

*Note to all affies! Please change my link from to*


Anonymous said...

Finally got off my ass and changed your link ... sorry it took so long. "Z" sounds like a jerk, I've never really been on a staff so I wouldn't know about how it works but yeah that sounds a bit ridiculous. You should always treat free labor well.

Anonymous said...

I added you as an affiliate :D